If you were affected by the January storms, there are resources available from trained community health workers, who are familiar with the working waterfront, commercial fishing and aquaculture industries. The following services are available:
- One on one assistance with health, community services, and resources for fishing and aquaculture businesses, including coops and wharf owners.
- Referrals to infrastructure repair or rebuilding resources, including grants/loans, contractors, and permitting support.
- Referrals to mental health and community services.
- Group sessions and trainings on fishermen or grower wellness and community building.

To find a coastal storm-response counselor in your region, reach out to the following organizations:
- Southern Maine – Contact Barbara Ginley at Maine Health in Cumberland County and Betsy Kelly at Maine Health in York County.
Click here for a list of organizations, marine contractors, and other resources specific to fishing and aquaculture.