What is a wellness toolkit?

A personalized set of tools to help you navigate life’s challenges. This can look like a collection of resources, strategies, practices, and techniques that can help you support your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

A man and a dog walk down the road

Why have a wellness toolkit?

Life is full of stressors, and having a wellness toolkit equips you with coping strategies and resources to navigate difficult situations. So, when you are feeling stressed, you already know what helps when you need it.

A wellness toolkit helps you recognize your priorities and build adaptability, allowing you to bounce back more easily from setbacks and adversity. Engaging with different practices and techniques in your wellness toolkit can help you become more self-aware of your own needs, preferences, and boundaries. This self-awareness is essential for making informed decisions about how to best take care of yourself.

How do I build a wellness toolkit?

1. Take some time to reflect: Reflect on different aspects of your life, including your surrounds, your feelings, your body, and your relationships.

2. What aspects of your life are most important to you? This could include managing stress, getting better sleep, increasing movement, investing in your relationships, or finding more joy in life.

3. Be curious! Look into different practices, techniques, and resources that align with your priorities. Maybe start a new book or podcast, start taking a 5-minute walk after work each day, call a loved one once a week, or try a new recipe with a neighbor.

4. Experiment with different tools and practices: See what works for you and your needs!

5. Make a plan: Plan for how and when to use your tools. Consider scheduling specific times for self-care activities, setting reminders, or habit stacking.

6. This is a journey, not a destination: Periodically review and update your wellness toolkit to see what is or isn’t working for you. As your circumstances and preferences change, so will the things that bring you joy and well-being.

7. Patience is key: Be patient with yourself and trust you have the wisdom and intuition to create a toolkit that supports your life!

A woman doing yoga by the lake

Additional Resources